One evening as I was walking down the beach I came across some footsteps in the sand. I followed them for some time then I noticed they suddenly disappeared. As I looked around to see why I noticed a boy throwing starfish back into the ocean. I felt bad for his futile attempt to save them. As I approached him to tell him what I thought I heard a young man screaming for help. I saw a man thrashing in the water. I was about to run to help him when I noticed there was already an old man in a toga pulling his limp body out of the water. By this time the sun was setting and it was getting dark and cold so I walked towards a distant lighthouse. I could see an exchange of flickering lights taking place. As I neared the lighthouse I noticed a massive destroyer ship turning 20 degrees and barely missing the lighthouse. I was curious to find out what happened so I approached the lighthouse door and range the bell. I waited several minutes while watching the hound dog on the front porch moan, but nobody answered so I let myself in. I saw a man but he did not notice me because he was so engrossed in his animal experiments. He was heating up frogs in pots of warm water, there were crabs in baskets, flees in glass jars, and out the window I saw a baby elephant that was tied to to a tent peg with a small rope. I decided to take a closer look at the elephant but by the time I got outside there were three blind men examining its various parts. I decided not to bother them. I needed to get home so I jogged to the nearby train station. When I got there I noticed police and an ambulance. The train was not running because a worker's body had just been found in the refrigeration car. I decided to take the subway instead. During my commute I kept being distracted by several noisy kids who's father was oblivious to the problems they were causing. When I finally got to my apartment I was shocked to see it was almost completely under water from flooding. My landlord was on top of the roof but he wouldn't take hold of the helicopter ladder. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but he died. I just wish he could have heard me yelling "get up and win the race".
Now it's time to test your prior knowledge of motivational stories by using the chart below. This highly sofisticated model is the same one used on most home page internet articles that help you determine what kind of shape you are in, if you are a good kisser, what your financial IQ is, etc.
1-3 It's time to start reading something besides Steven King
4-6 Subscribe to more unwanted e-mail group lists
7-10 You must be very positive
11-14 Is that you Zig Zigler?
You crazy!
I scored in the middle range. Now that you have motivated me to read the storiess, it would be helpful to have a list of links to them particularly the train tragedies.
Don't ever change!
Truely you have "The Touch Of The Masters Hand"...
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