Monday, March 9, 2009

The Thesaurus

I am always looking for ways to improve my blog. I don't have the most extensive vocabulary, but luckily I found a thesaurus yesterday.

I happened upon this pragmatic lexicon inadvertently. It has bolstered my diminutive jargon by contributing a plethora of choices and has enhanced my phraseology. Those who habitually frequent this blog will do so with greater periodicity now that I can implement more sophisticated colloquy. Historically my intimations have been enigmatic and perplexing, but with the aid of this compendium my lucid communiques will now influence both proletariat and aristocracy alike.

So, maybe that's not the magic solution to my blogging problems after all, but if any of you have any suggestions of what you'd like to see more or less of at Chaka's World feel free to let me know.


Kristina P. said...

maybe I should have included this in my giveaway, so people can look up "predilection."

Maui said...

Reminds me of my hip hop days as a member of "Thesaurus Wrecks" T-Wrecks for short. Those were the days, busting both rhymes and caps.

Kelly said...

I really savored that account in your chronicle of Chaka's macrocosm. You have my recognition.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Now I know your stuck with me! I am a lover of language! (I really like big words!)

My mom and dad thought I was a strange kid because I was constantly using a thesaurus as a kid! lol! Now I'm the one they call when they need word assistance! lol!

Jeanne Estridge said...

I love your blog and think you're doing great -- keep it up!

Dr Zibbs said...

More boobies.

Honestly, this is one of favorite new blogs.

Alpha Stone said...

More posts on lava.

Oh, and more (opens thesaurus)feminine pulchritudinousness.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Niiiicce. Bustin out the superfluous vernacular.
I like it.

The Mauermans said...

you talk good, and sound real smart.

MikkSolo said...

Less Black Hairy tongues!

Ann On and On... said...

Wow, that thing sure works. Perhaps I'll learn along with you.

x said...

"God darnit, Mr. Chaka, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore."

-Taggart (Blazing Saddles) slightly modified

Anonymous said...

Dude, you talk like your dad was a college professor or something!