Monday, December 14, 2009

Cell Phones

I only know a few people who don't own a cell phone, and despite their living in the dark ages, I secretly admire them. As much as I love having immediate communication, there are also some benefits to not having a cell phone. Whenever I accidentally leave home without mine, I initially panic, but then I feel sort of liberated and refreshed, like I have been on a Tony Robbins retreat out in the desert for a week.

Several years ago, I set my ring to vibrate and have never taken it off. I prefer a subtle notification when I'm getting a call. I have adapted to be able to hear the quiet buzz even in a noisy room. I freak out whenever I accidentally change it to a real ring tone and it goes off. I'm paranoid of turning into one of those obnoxious people who have very loud ring tones who let it ring 7 times or wait for the whole song to play before they answer their phone. I am always amazed when I'm in a meeting or a presentation and some one's noisy ringer goes off and they finally answer it and then actually carry on a conversation in a loud voice without leaving, all the while being oblivious to the group they are distracting and interrupting.

My Verizon contract is finally up next month so I have been looking at different phones and options. I currently have a Palm Treo but have been toying with switching to a Blackberry. I'm also looking at an I-phone, but they cost so much. I have too many options and wonder if anyone has any suggestions? If you own a cell phone you are qualified to comment and tell me what works for you.

I came across this picture while looking for cell phone photos online. I am usually against self-mutilation, but this guy makes a strong case for the win-win partnership of gauging and hands free phone use.


Kristina P. said...

I feel like such a iPhone-less loser.

MJenks said...

I'm not here to trumpet myself or anything, but I personally love not being tied to a phone at all times.

Mostly because I really dislike talking on the phone.

Eric said...

Shawn at the 'Sharktank' reviews all my phones. Don't buy this one!

peewee said...

iphone. the phone as a phone SUCKS. But the ipod part, the apps, the email/internet/gps are invaluable. since you asked. I LOVE when people actually ask for advice. It's SO hard to keep giving it unsolicited.

Tracy P. said...

Love Verizon coverage, At&T seems to be constantly having problems. I-phone looks cool, but the problems make me think stick with Verizon.

MikkSolo said...

Whatever phone makes it easier to actually show up to play Ball!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I love being off the grid like I am. Its as addicting as having the phone would be I assume. I tell everyone I just have a fear of brain or testicular cancer from the damn things but in truth I really don't have enough people calling me to justify needing one. I also refuse to downgrade my mythical typing abilities to become a text monkey who only can speak with my thumbs. I can't. I won't.