Monday, November 8, 2010

Comment Spammers

I think the comments are sometimes the best part of a post. I enjoy the interaction as I read other people's comments. I know that some people will comment on posts just to get their name out and to get some publicity. I can't really blame them for wanting to expand their circle of friends and blogging is certainly a game open to everyone. What does bug me, however; is when a person cuts and pasts a 5 page random comment that is completely unrelated to the post they are commenting on.

Last week after posting my pizza etiquette rant, I received the weirdest comment. It was a from a man who claimed to be from India who enjoys eating Naan breads. (It's hard to go wrong with an introduction like that.) He then commented on a variety of subjects including conspiracy theories about fluoride and aspartame, the mark of the beast, national debt, secret societies, etc. I was going to delete it since it was just a long random comment, but I decided to post it so you could see what a text book spam comment looks like. I'm okay with weird paranoid comments, but I'd prefer them after a post about the Illuminati or end of the world. At least he could have thrown in the words pepperoni or olives somewhere in there to make me think he even read my post.

I occasionally get comments from a company that is trying to sell Air Jordans. They usually consist of sentences in broken English promising the best prices. My fitness blog also gets random comments from medical equipment suppliers trying to promote their stuff. Anyway, I would suggest that trying to advertise your business on Chaka's World in the comments section is about as effective as buying a billboard in the middle of the desert.

I hope I don't sound like I'm critical of readers comments. I have some of the coolest followers who read my blog and I always enjoy their comments. I sometimes run into people who say they read one of my posts and then tell me something about that topic. When I ask why they didn't comment with that insight they often feel scared of posting their comments. As a result, I'd like to dedicate this boring post to all those people who have read my blog but have never commented. I dare you to come out of the closet and say something. It's time to stop hiding in the shadows and be a participant instead of a spectator. (Unless you want to comment about Naan breads.)


Cheeseboy said...

Let me start by saying THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR!

And let me end by saying, Although those comments are annoying, they sure can be entertaining sometimes. Especially when it is someone else that gets them and not me.

I need a pair of Air Jordans...

Kristina P. said...

I love The Hoff. The end.

Eric said...

Nothing is as strange as an unsol-

Icited comment that is unrelated.

Kan't they at least make it

Entertaining or use comedy?

Iwalktheline said...

first time reader and first time commenter. Just wanted to drop a line. I say: Life leads one done roads we don't expect and the best thing to do is complain and go on. lol...Its likely that individual was higher than a kite.

Kelly said...

That is so random! I will have to go and have a peek at that spam. I have never had that problem on my blog but I do have consistent readers who do not comment. One from Aukland Australia who I am dying to know about. It's the man behind the curtain thing you know?

I guess this is what you get for being so popular Chaka : )

Kirk said...

Don't you mean naan breads.

I have read every post but I will comment if you really want me to.

Raine said...

Yeah, I think its annoying when someone says something IRL that they couldve left as a comment. But why?? Why wouldnt them telling me and us discussing it be better? hmm... I guess I just like comments :)

Gwen said...

*peeks out of the closet* Hi! I'm still here! I just don't comment anymore unless I have something to add to the discussion. Minus this comment, of course.

Joanna Jenkins said...

The crazy commenters make me nuts. I just delete them and the @#$^! they're selling.

And very rarely do I lurk and not comment. Even if I just say thanks for sharing, i'll comment out of respect for the blogger who took the time to post.... Or I'll say what Kristina P said :-)


elesa said...

Hey, I've got a billboard buried in the dessert and you'd be amazed at the business it drums up.

Tom said...

Sorry about this duplicate post. I have no idea how it re-posted months later.

Eve said...

At least your spam comments have real words. I just deleted four comments that were nothing but letters strung together randomly, followed by a website address. ;)

Tom said...

Over the last 2 days, I have received about 10 of these very similar comments. I was tempted to post it just for humor's sake, but I don't want to give the guy a link to his Asian escort service so I just copied and pasted his comment.

When i read this post I realized that i have got many wonderful informations out of which most arte new for me. It’s having very nice information. I have spent a long time to find such post. All aspects of this post are perfect. It’s nice experience to read it. All matter of this post is great. I would like to visit again. It’s really fine. In future, such kind of posts should be continue

Tom said...

Here is another classic post another escort service just made on my blog-Its really a great post I have ever seen. Its an amazing experience. I would like to visit it again and again. because I need some more information. Now a days people are in to the habit of making posts. I think it would be a good inspiration for them. Please keep continue.