Monday, November 15, 2010


I've seen a couple promotions this month for "Movember" which is a prostate cancer awareness campaign.The premise behind it is that men will create awareness for the cause by growing a moustache during the month of November.

Participants are encouraged to start clean-shaven at the first of the month and then grow a stache until the end of the month. I'm not sure how that raises money, unless it works like a read-a-thon. Maybe they get pledges from their neighbors who pay by the length of facial hair you grow. Anyway, last year the organization claims to have raised 42 million dollars for the cause.

I have been pretty much clean-shaven my entire life, but sometimes at the end of the year I will refrain from shaving for a while, but I don't really consider that trying to grow a beard. I have never gone longer than a week without shaving. If you want a good summary of facial hair you can check the post I did a couple years ago called Facial Hair 101.

I think the reason most guys will want to participate in Movember is not so much a concern about prostate cancer awareness, but rather just as an excuse to grow a moustache. At any rate, my hat is off to any cause that raises money for cancer. So, if you see some dude sporting a moustache this month, there is a good chance he's not just doing it as a fashion statement.


Dawn Parsons Smith said...

You know, menopausal women can get in on this too...we'd all look like the bearded ladies if it weren't for those fine hair removal products out there!

Cheeseboy said...

I am down with Movember. In fact, I am participating. My wife hates facial hair, but since it is for a good cause...

Kristina P. said...

I will tell my husband to sport a pornstache, pronto.

Eric said...

But no Hitler moustaches, even if it is for a good cause!

Man, it's sad that one bad guy can ruin a hairstyle for eternity.


Didnt know that. Porn stars of the 70's were so down with Movember.

Cheree said...

If you want another picture for your blog, come take one of Devlin....yeah, he and some guys at his office are sporting mustaches. I can't wait for December. Only 14 days left!

mCat said...

Laughing at Israels comment.

Selleck is the only one that can still pull off the 'stache. Sure, they were great in the 80's - Splenda Daddy was rocking a FANTASTIC 'stache. But like leg warmers - let's leave them there.