In honor of the hot 4th of July weather we are having, I thought I'd address the topic of ice. I know it's not a very patriotic subject, but at least it's relevant to this time of year and it's something that needs to be addressed.
I don't drink soda often, but I hate it when I eat out and order a drink and after taking three sips from the straw I'm stuck with a cup full of crushed ice. If I had serious burns or a sprain, I'd opt for the container of ice, but since I buy drinks for the thirst factor, I now go iceless in order to keep from getting the screwgee.
I wish there was a scale for ice in drinks kind of like there is for how many lumps of sugar people take in their coffee. I'm pretty sure I'd be a two cube guy max. I like crushed ice more, but it is harder to measure it and more dangerous to deal with.
Because we've had little kids in or home for so long, we ended up disconnecting our water and ice dispenser after several bad water mess experiences. As a result, we never have ice with drinks during meals. When someone gets a "bonk" or "owee" that requires ice, (yes, those are official medical terms) we usually resort to a frozen bag of vegetables or some other frozen food to cool the injury.
I do like ice, but if you are not specific when ordering a drink it can be like playing Russian roulette (without the possibility of death). I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority, but at least I'm not alone. While researching this subject, I found a Facebook page called "I ordered Coke, not Ice".
Some people are ice dependent and can't enjoy a beverage without filling their glass with ice first. If you are one of those people who love the 80:20 ice to beverage ratio, then I am happy for you because most of the fast food places I've been to are catering to your needs. Have a Happy 4th!