I'm going to start a new regular feature on Chaka's World. Once a month I'd like to simplify things and just post a picture with maybe a sentence or two. Sometimes less is more. I think it would give a little variety to my usual ramblings. Besides, many of my followers can't read and have told me they really appreciate pictures. Here is November's picture.

You've probably seen this before, but you have to love the look of pride on this kid's face for being such a good helper. I'm pretty sure it was the mom that took this picture. Most men would have gone ballistic if they came upon this scenario. This picture has also helped me keep things in perspective when my kids spill their milk at the table.
This makes me freak out and I'm not even their parents.
Sometimes as a parent you just have to laugh, because otherwise you'll cry. I can't even imagine the sinking feeling in the pit of Mom's (or Dad's) stomach when she/he found this scene.
But you can't go ballistic over stuff you could have prevented by making sure the paint can was locked up where the kids couldn't get to it.
So taking the photo was the best response possible. :)
Along with having the kids help clean up, to the extent of their toddler & preschooler abilities, that is.
Interesting word verification: sucrosis
are these your kids?
I thought it was desitin at first. Looks like white paint. Much much worse! Yikes is all I can say.
I love your narration.
That made me laugh out loud. Hilarious. Bet their TV watching wasn't much fun that night ...
How long do you think they went unsupervised to create that mess?
The smiles on their faces are priceless!
Aw...Your boys are getting so Big!
Those aren't my kids but I sure feel for their parents.
Ouch, I hope someday the parent(s) will be able to laugh about it.
I know they aren't your kids. You gotta love the painted TV!
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