A few days ago while driving in my car, the news updates kept flashing breaking news about his return to golf every 15 minutes. They even had a special theme song they would play every time it came up. I can understand making a theme melody for major events like 911, presidential elections, war updates, etc. but not for one guys return to golf after several months off, even if he is the greatest golfer of all time. They kept interviewing other golfers for their opinions and everyone was so concerned about what kind of reception he would get from the fans. WHO CARES! Yesterday he got more air time on the news (from what I could hear) than the mining tragedy in West Virginia and I wasn't listening to sports radio either.
It's not that I'm angry at Tiger Woods for his behavior or for letting fans down, although I think it was the dumbest thing he could have done. I am mad at the news stations for giving this story more attention than they would if earth were to be attacked by Martians.
I guess my gripe is also with the sport of golf. It seems kind of wimpy to be called a sport. It conjures up images of silly nickers and drinking champagne in the clubhouse more than it does athleticism. Everyone who plays it swears that it is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I just don't get it. I respect the skill levels, talent, and mental focus that the game requires, but it bothers me that pro golfers make so much money and don't even break a sweat. I would be a huge golf fan if there were American Gladiators running around on the course taking people out while they were trying to golf or if Vince McMahon was in charge of the sport and classed it up a little, but it just doesn't appeal to me in it's current state.
Are you sure you're a man? You don't like golf? I thought that was a requirement.
I went to dinner with one of my best friends, and her husband, last night. He just returned from The Masters. He had a good time.
The only golfing I am interested in is miniature golfing with my kids.
The Tiger thing has gotten so out of hand- I totally agree.
Nice idea about American Gladiators running around the course. That would make golf more interesting to me, too.
But when it comes to golf, he is a genius. There is is simply no other that could even come close.
I love golf, but it is a wimpy sport. It definitely needs more Happy Gillmore infused into it.
As for Tiger, I thought he was awesome and now I think he is an awesome idiot.
What ever happened to American Gladiators? I thought they brought it back last year, but I haven't seen it for a while. Just when TV started to improve they have to take it off the air again.
I haven't seen a nonsensical media hullaballoo like this since the 'Anna Nichole' debacle.
Eric- And I'm partly to blame for bringing even more attention to it. I guess my ranting about all the attention he is getting is a little ironic.
Golf you either pick up as a kid because someone older took you to the pitch and put and you liked it or you don't. It's a game you never really can become perfect at and it either drives you nuts and you become one of 'those guys' that you hate to golf around. Type A's don't do well and nothing is more fun than watching a buddy steam up because he can't control that little ball. I loved it as a kid. It was a thing to do with my friends which was cheap and outdoors. We could do a few holes before school. Play after school till sunset and make a little money on weekends as caddies or ball spotters. It helped that a jr membership was cheap and they stored your clubs for you. The base I lived on had a great course that the military had used the artilary to design - it was pretty spectacular. I have seen people let it take over their lives and I have played in the Canadian Rockies at some courses that Japanese guys pay thousands of dollars to experience. It weird but I get the disinterest. It's not athletic at all especially with cigars, carts and the beer girl. It's just an excuse to be out with your buddies.
Oh and Tiger is an idiot. He had it all. Divorce your wife first if you want to bang cocktail waitresses you douche. You are the most famous person on the planet. Get a grip.
Sorry for the rant.
I don't get these guys. Hugh Grant cheating on Elizabeth Hurley, Christie Brinkley husband cheated on her, and now Tiger's wife is another beautiful victim.
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