Friday, September 17, 2010

Picture of the Month Sept. 2010

I don't want to bash any one's precious hippie movement memories from the 60's, but I'm sure grateful that I was born at the tail end of it and my kids will never come across one of these pictures with me in it on the Internet. It's bad enough that they have evidence of the kind of clothes I wore in the 70's.


Everyday Goddess said...

though it occurs to me, there were less overweight people back in those days.

Eric said...

Whoa, living in the 70's was like having a costume shop blowing up every day.

mCat said...

I too, am grateful for being born on the tail end of the 60's. But then I have all my childhood pics of 70's clothes and my young adult/motherhood/married life in the 80's.



what's weird is that people dress like that today.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is Thank You Cheebus the internet was not around when I was a teen and most pictures Im aware of have been destroyed. Also,most records have been sealed.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I was a child in the seventies and the clothes I had to endure wearing were AWFUL! (except for the sueded fringy stuff...that I loved!)

Patrick FMK said...

Holy Cow....that's me in the middle with the scarf on!

Beckalita said...

Hey, there's nothing wrong with Tough Skins! Especially not BROWN ones!