I know it sounds kind of racist to judge candy by it's color. I am not that way when it comes to judging people. I want to make it clear that I am not so shallow and judgemental to judge a human being by the color of their skin. I judge them by how attractive they are.
But seriously folks, after years of analyzing and eating M & Ms, I have found the hierarchy to go as follows: green, yellow, brown, orange, red, and finally blue.
Green- these are far superior to all other colors.
Yellow- a close second for this exciting color.
Brown- It's kind of boring looking but is probably the most natural color.
Orange- Remind me of Reece's Pieces, but I guess they're okay for October.
Red- These are just too intense and stress me out. They look like Boston Baked Beans.
Blue- Completely unnatural color for a chocolate candy. I don't mind the artificial colors for the other ones, but I have my limits when it comes to blue food. Even though these are uncalled for, I still eat them.
This made me chuckle. I do like all M&M's/Eminems alike. Em is sober now, so I think he's embraced his softer side.
I think they had a WHITE M&M for awhile too so that is my vote for the least favorite!!! I cannot allow Blue to be in last place! W.C.C.
I'm not a huge fan of the candy. They actually DO, melt in your hand, ya know...
My husband loves them though. He is no respecter of color though. :)
LOL I feel the same way about the blue ones. They just don't belong :)
So funny about your hierarchy since I have to eat mine by color. Not because of tastes, but beacuase I am weird like that.
First yellow - because I like that color least and it's the lightest.
Green, Orange, Red, Blue and then Brown. Two at a time. Always the same color order. (I'm the same with skittles)
And hey....don't be an Eminem hatah! Marshall Mathers is sober, drug free and yes, a very angry white kid, but I would totally hug him if I could.
Last year we dressed up as M&M's for a family party. When I mentioned this to a friend she looked a little confused/surprised-She thought I said "Eminem".
I totally agree with your assessment of blue M&Ms at the bottom of the hierarchy- but I still eat them, too.
Ok, so I'm beginning to feel like a stalker, but I saw the M&M's and I had to comment. I LOVE M&M's!! Favorite all time candy and I too, rate them by color. Green is the bomb diggity! I even dressed up as a green m&m once. And one year, my best friend gave me a huge jar filled with only green m&m's. That was a good day! :) Anyway, very fun posts and blog.
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