Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Special Skill

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging, but I recently discovered that I have a talent I was previously unaware of. I'm sure you've seen paper towel dispensers in restrooms before. Some of the new-fangled ones have an auto sensor that feeds the paper towel out automatically. The old school models require some manual tugging. Many of these provide directions on how to retrieve your next towel.

The directions are written in international sign language that specifically warn not to try to pull a towel out with one hand. Since nobody was around to to see, I thought I'd be a rebel and try it with one hand. It was a stunning success.

I was considering adding this skill to my resume but I thought it might show a rebellious streak in my personality and make a potential employer doubt my ability to follow instructions. For now I will just brag about it on my blog as I live on the edge. I decided that I should be the one to release the photo before I run for public office someday and someone tries to blackmail me with it.


Kristina P. said...

Wow, I am just in awe right now.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Chaka, you forgot about the towel police. You may be banned from every bathroom in the country.

Girl Interrupted said...

Hahaha ... you big, one-handed, paper towel puller!!

Kelly said...

That is something I have always been afraid to try. Thanks for the inspiration Chaka!

Dr Zibbs said...


Beckalita said...

Sweet skill, dude!

Eric said...

Someone needs form a committee to look into adding bathroom games to the Olympics. Chaka brings home the gold!!!

Jeanne Estridge said...

But can you retrieve the appropriate amount of toilet paper with one hand?

Dawn Parsons Smith said... have totally earned my utter respect and devotion! Do you think they caught it on their secret bathroom camera??