In the past I have intentionally kept my kids out of this blog, but I am making a brief exception today. I was recently looking through some pictures that I had taken on my cell phone and I
came across one that I had forgotten about. One day my son Josh got bored so he went into my bathroom closet and got my electric razor out and decided to give himself a haircut. He had seen me give my boys haircuts for years so he new it couldn't be that hard. He turned it on, popped open the side burn trimmer and started to rub it on head. I'm sure he was feeling pretty good about his new barber skills until an older sibling saw him and screamed in horror. As you can see from the picture below, there is not a lot you can do to salvage this type of haircut unless your kid is a Jet Li fan or wants to be a Shaolin Monk.

This picture brought back memories of all the "kid haircuts" I've seen during my life. Usually the bangs are the hardest hit area. I'm sure you've all seen similar pictures in school pictures or family photo albums. You gotta love it when a little kid takes the initiative to keep their hair trimmed.
The more I think about it, I have to admit it's actually pretty cool that kids have enough confidence to attempt a haircut and are not afraid to try. What I originally thought would be a just a funny picture actually has some deep meaning to it. If you don't feel ready or qualified to do something or if you are intimidated by some sort of task or project that you are supposed to do, just follow the example of Josh and get to work on it. Someone can always help you clean up your mess later on.

You forgot to mention that he hid in the shed all afternoon in the middle of the summer when he realized the horror of what he had done. He's lucky he didn't die...both times.
My younger sister tried using a razor to clean up the area between her eyebrows one time -- with results a lot like Josh's. She didn't stop crying for days.
That is quite possibly the funniest picture of a haircut gone wrong I've ever seen!
Oh nooooo! That picture made me laugh and laugh...too cute!
I want to say how funny, but I am sure it wasn't to some degree. I like the frame you put to the picture.
What did you do? I mean, how could a parent handle one like this one. I am sure it will happen sometime here.
I laughed hard at this photograph. That is what a little boy will do when cutting his own hair-Go for the gusto! I hope you put those shears out of reach!
Some might think that my profile pic is a self done haircut, but I assure you it was done by a beauty school student. She excitedly volunteered for the job and I did give her permission to use it in her soon to be professional portfolio.
Nice buzz.
I'm just sorry my sister had so much confidence that time she gave me that perm.
And that my mother insists on displaying pictures of it.
LOL! I just went through this last week with Cat! The whole Frankenbangs nightmare the day before her week of Irish dance performances started!
I love that she just wanted to ease my load by cutting her hair so I wouldn't have to! It truly was an act of kindness toward me on her part. How can you be upset with that?
I really think it's some weird rite of passage for kids!
The photo is priceless! What a great memory and you are right! There is always a deeper meaning! Fabulous post, Chaka!
That picture is worth its weight it gold. It's absolutely priceless. He's a cutie pie - I'm sure his Mother had to be restrained when she saw what he'd done.
well, he certainly doesn't take after YOU. CHAKA.
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