I know some people identify with or can relate to a favorite animal. I've like the vision of a Hawk. I think that such wishful thinking is normal, but ccasionally some people feel the need to change their bodies to resemble an animal. I don't think this is a huge trend sweeping the nation, but just from the fact that these two are all over the Internet, it is a little disturbing.
These two guys have not only used tattoos, but have undergone many surgical procedures in their quest to achieve the look they are after. Imagine for a moment if these gentlemen created some momentum for their movement and animal transformations were not only socially acceptable but were mandatory and required by law. If you had to make cosmetic changes to your appearance to resemble one of these, which would you rather be, Tiger guy or Lizard man?
I'm sure at this point many of you have chuckled and are dismissing my question, but I am serious. I'd like to know which one you'd pick and why. I'm especially interested to see what the women say about this. The floor is now yours.
Can you imagine being the parent who paid to send the surgeons who did this through medical school?
I'm going to have to go with the tiger because tigers are furry and cute. Plus the whole tongue thing creeps me out.
Well. Look at the positive side. There's no PUG guy. So that's good.
I suppose, if FORCED I'd be lizard lady. looks like less plastic surgery.
Tiger Guy... but I'd wear a red neckerchief and shout "IIIIIT'S GREAT!!!" whenever I entered a room.
Since I have a fear of the kimono dragon (they have haunted me in nightmares for years), I will go with a tiger.
However, that photo of tiger man may just be the next lead role in my recurring bad dreams! Thanks a lot!
I would like to correct the above poster and point out that the correct spelling is, "IT's GRRRRRREAT!" Get it? Because tigers go, "grrrrr..."
If you are going to resort to that kind of behavior then you have to say Lizard Man is Sssssweet.
Biggest lizard in the world I believe is a Komodo Dragon. I think a Tiger could take a Komodo Dragon down, so I'm going with Tiger for sure.
But above all I'd just like to see the aforementioned fight.
How do those doctors live with themselves? Update this post with a picture of Enigma and his wife Katzen. There's also Jocelyn Wildenstein who had multiple surgeries to resemble a housecat.
Could lizard man get a deal with SOBE? My kids see that stuff in the store and ask "Why do people want to pay money to drink lizard pee?"
I'd rather be a cat than a lizard. Now that I think of it, this could be the perfect way to avoid looking older -- I could go for just looking weirder instead.
I think I would just go for a beautiful rosebud. Hmmm. I wonder what you would have to do to look like that. How 'bout a beta fish?
The Uruk hai should be the tiger man's doppel gangr.
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