Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The 4612 Code

Some people who have typed in my blog address may have wondered what is up with the 4612. For someone trying to create a blog conducive to simple access with an easy to remember address I admit this was not the best move, but it's too late to change it now.

The other day a friend gave me grief over this and wanted to know why I'd throw in random numbers for my blog address. I was thinking of making my explanation into an exciting suspense movie starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard called the 4612 Code, but I don't think there is enough substance behind it to bring it to the big screen. Maybe a movie trailer would work better.

4612 was the magic number prescription my basketball coach promoted back when I was in High School. He said if you practiced 4 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 12 months each year you could excel at anything. When we wanted to really accomplish something we'd say you need to 4-6-12. I have since learned that 4-6-12 is a bit Gung Ho and extreme and you can even become good at something by decreasing the numbers down to 1-3-12 or even lower.

This recipe worked for basketball as a teenger, but I'm afraid I don't have that kind of time for blogging. I still have a long ways to go until the mail man brings me bags of money each day from all the money my blog generates. I don't want to disclose just how much money I've made blogging, but it rhymes with the name of a famous Roman Emperor who fiddled while Rome burnt and it starts with the last letter of the alphabet.


ShanaM said...

The 4-6-12 does seem a bit excessive but it is a great concept.

I am waiting for the moneybags guy too.

Kristina P. said...

I'm with you on the Nero. Although, I have had worldwide fame as a Snuggie girl, so that is priceless.

LegalMist said...

No wonder 4-6-12 isn't working for me in my efforts to make money blogging! I thought it meant 4 *minutes* a day, 6 *times per month*, for 12 months each year...

Wow. I may have to re-think my blogging retirement plan...


bonnie jack said...

4-6-12 sounds about right for a musician!

NatureGirl said...

I like the 1-3-12 rule...I will give that a try with a few things...