I hesitate to address this topic since politics is often a forbidden subject. It can be a challenge to say anything about politics without offending people (unless you are a gifted politician who can speak out of both sides of your mouth), but I'd still like to share some of my thoughts about this topic.
I understand there is quite a spectrum of beliefs and values when it comes to politics, but here are some sweeping stereoptypical generalizations that the two largest parties often accuse each other of.
Those with a more liberal agenda are often labeled as being tree hugging, Godless, tax happy, abortion loving, welfare dependent, big government socialists.
Likewise, Conservatives are accused of being rich, money grubbing corrupt capitalists, warmongers, holier than thou, simple minded, gun carrying, uneducated hicks.
These are extreme depictions of the major parties, and although some people might think these descriptions are accurate, most people share many of the values taught by both parties and fall somewhere in-between. I think we are all more alike than we know, but just have different ways of trying to achieve our objectives.
Anyway, I wish we lived in a world with very little taxation, yet with social programs people could participate in if they wanted to. People could have security from crime, hunger, and poverty while at the same others could have the freedom to follow their dreams and take risks with little government interference. I'd also make chocolate milk and Toblerones very affordable so they could be the staple of every meal. I'm not joking.
I hate the divisive nature of politics but I'm grateful to live in a country that allows people the freedom to voice their opinion and follow their conscience. I just wish people could get along better and when they disagree with each other, it would be nice to see more civility. I appreciate it when people use diplomacy, tact, and respect in the political process, even if I totally disagree with their politics.
Chocolate milk and Toblerones?! Now there's a political position I could get behind without debate!
I agree with you that all the finger pointing and accusations get us absolutely nowhere. I hate it when they do that.
Well said, Sir!
I'm with you! I do lean toward the beliefs of one political party more than the other, although I do not believe EVERYTHING that that particular party stands for. Yet, I am made to feel guilty for betrayal by one side and guilty for actually having the beliefs from the other.
I just totally confused myself. I had no idea what I just said.
I'm with the general chocolate, poker playing, traveling, financier, yachting, archaeology and fine wine drinking party myself.
What? You don't play poker? That's ok, you can still join our party (bring money).
i agree! and come over to collect your Goddess Award sooon!
I wish politicians were required to speak the truth; that there were something you could feed them that would become visible in the air immediately when they lie--sorta' like the stuff they put in swimming pools that changes color when someone pees in the pool, pointing to the guilty party!
I feel bad for the extreme fringe groups that don't have any followers, (but I don't feel bad enough to vote for them.)
Politics are boring. Pass me the chocolates.
you have made a strong point,
best wishes!
"Simple Minded, Gun carring, hick" I can relate to that!
I totally pick from both..and then add a little twist ....I would make my own party if I could...I guess I would feel better about all of it if there were some accountability for both parties, specifically the individuals politicians who basically have no boundaries....Hi There Im visiting from every Goddess, posts of the week...nice to meet you..!
Moral Politics by George Lakoff is a good read on the subject about why people believe what they do.
I couldn't agree with you more about using tact and respect(and Toblerones, of course!)
I agree with everything - specially the Toblerones part!
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