Thursday, January 6, 2011

The SNL Closing Scene

I have been watching Saturday Night Live for many years now. When I was a kid I remember the early Bill Murray and Chevy Chase days. Over the years, some cast members have definitely been funnier than others and some seasons have been less than notable. One thing they've all had in common is the ending scene when the cast members, host, and musical guests all meet on the stage at the end of the show as the band plays music while the ending credits roll.

I don't know what it is about this, but it kind of bugs me. They are all hugging and socializing with each other like they are at a reunion or something. Many of these talented performers can stand on a live stage and make fun of people and not show any stage fright, but when they are standing there after the show, it's kind of like they are naked and they appear more vulnerable and defenseless and I feel kind of bad for them.

I'm not really suggesting that Lorne Michaels changes this tradition, but maybe a better ending might be the freeze frame technique that was used at the end of each Chips episode.


Kristina P. said...

I haven't watched SNL in a while. Clips here and there, but it seems to have lost it's funniness.

Impulsive Addict said...

Wow. You must be REALLY old to remember Chevy!


Btw, didn't your momma teach you manners? You can't just stop by someone's blog and call them a slacker. You have to visit a few times with nice comments and THEN you can call them bad things.

Kal said...

SNL is one of the great joys and great letdowns in my life. You just never know what you are going to get. Sometimes it's gold (Taylor Swift, Betty White) and other times you want to kick in your TV screen. I was there at the beginning and I will be there at the end. Only know I download the program on Sunday.

Nice to see you throw in a bit of CHIPS wisdom there. Is there anything that that show CAN'T teach us?

Marnie said...

I miss Bill Murray an Chevy Chase. Betty White was hilarious last year as guest host.

Cheeseboy said...

Agreed sir. It especially bugs me when the show wasn't that funny and they are all congratulating each other. It's like they are patting each other on the back for making crap.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'd never thought of this till you mentioned it. I suspect it was originally done to emphasize the ensemble (all are equal here) aspect of the program. I did and do still enjoy SNL but I watch it later in the week and much earlier in the day. Things like that happen when your body refuses to remain 21 :-). Have a Happy New Year and enjoy the weekend, Tom. Blessings...Mary

Crystal Pistol said...

Good observation.

My guess is they do it to create a false sense of inclusion for the audience. They want US commoners to believe we were an enormous contributers to the SNL making process and now we have earned the right to join the after party...

Cheese boy is a crack up.