Last week my son asked if I was going to make any resolutions again this year. I told him I was and he said something to the effect that there is an entire galaxy of empty and unfulfilled resolutions I have set in my life. Thanks for noticing bud. At least I'm not alone. Every year I set goals and I usually accomplish very few of them. Despite the poor track record I won't stop trying. Just like Paul Newman in the boxing scene of Cool Hand Luke I will keep getting up after each blow even when everyone is telling me to stay down.
My goals for 2009 are:
1-Run a marathon in under 4 hours
2-Get 100 Followers on my blog
3-Graduate from College (19 years after enrolling)
4-Grow something besides squash in my garden
5-Be able to dunk a basketball in a game again
6-Pass legislation requiring identical twins to have the same name
7-Make some kind of low budget short film (I've been threatening to do this for over 20 years)
1-Run a marathon in under 4 hours
2-Get 100 Followers on my blog
3-Graduate from College (19 years after enrolling)
4-Grow something besides squash in my garden
5-Be able to dunk a basketball in a game again
6-Pass legislation requiring identical twins to have the same name
7-Make some kind of low budget short film (I've been threatening to do this for over 20 years)
8-Dig myself out of the Hiroshima debt crater I'm in
9-Teach my family to perform the Duel of the Fates song from Phantom Menace
10-Become part of the Fed so I can print all the money I want without any consequences
9-Teach my family to perform the Duel of the Fates song from Phantom Menace
10-Become part of the Fed so I can print all the money I want without any consequences
These might seem lofty or unreal to some people but I just might accomplish one or two of them in the next 365 days. Now that I've laid out my plans I hope you are inspired and will set some goals for yourself for 2009. So tonight when you hear that lame song about forgetting your acquaintances remember to make some resolutions. Come on, it's cool and every one's doing it!
I still recall your slam dunks in the 80's. I seem to remember you working real hard one summer and were thereafter known as slammin Chaka (only with your real name) : ) Happy 2009
I think I shall challenge myself to eat more pie. There it is. It's official.
I just officially joined as a follower, even though I already was. That will get you closer to one of your goals.
Seriously, were we separated somehow at birth unable to identify the other because the kindly miracle of legislation did not force our parents to give us the same name.
I say this with the Duel of the Fates sitting, semi-neglected, on my music stand; my running log showing my pathetic but eager attempts toward my first marathon; my first college school schedule since I first enrolled 14 years ago.
I tried to type out that creepy music. You know the kind that finds itself in such brilliantly entertaining films such as The Brain That Would not Die and other masterpieces of science-fiction run amok. For which my life will not be complete without watching each and every one.
I also just officially joined as a follower, Although I might skip resolutions in 09. I had my first stellar year in 08. Maybe it's good to go out on top.
For 08 I only had 2 resolutions, get in shape and get out of debt. Right now I'm 35lbs lighter, in much better shape, and 100% debt free.
That's awesome Maui! I am in awe and envious of your 2008accomplishments. Congratulations.
Awesome. You have the best resolutions ever.
Thanks for stopping by and suggesting I sell my pee cup at a garage sale. Genius. I'm only sorry I didn't think of it myself.
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