You are probably not a serious blogger if you can't remember your blog address when someone asks for it or if you haven't posted anything since Obama was elected president.
You might be a hard core blogger if...
* You have many blogging acquaintances you consider to be good friends, but you have never actually met them. (Yes, some of the nice women who make clever comments on this blog could actually be grown men living in their mom's basement and I'd never know the difference.)
* You have ever published a post by accident.
* You have ever deleted entire posts by accident.
* You worry about what it was that you wrote or how you offended someone whenever you lose a follower.
* You constantly take notes in the back of your mind when you see something that would make a good blog topic or story. Just today I came up with the idea of installing Arby's bells in the library so you can let the librarians know that they did a good job. I will have to elaborate on this later in a post.
* You feel pressure to post at least every week if not more frequently.
* You no longer notice word verification screens because you leave so many comments.
I'm not trying to judge bloggers who don't write much or are not very active. I just wanted to make the point that there are casual bloggers and then there are very active bloggers. Don't feel bad if you feel you are in the first group. You are probably more well rounded and less screwed up.
I used to be hardcore. Now I'm softcore.
I'm a horrible blogger. I haven't updated in a long time. But I must say, I consider you a friend.
I think I fall somewhere in between the hard core and slacker blogger. I'm not sure what that's called...I can definitely relate with many of those examples, though! I do tend to blog in my mind, A Lot. Good post. :)
I'm so amazed by the bloggers who manage to find time to post every day.
I did NoBloPoMo once, and it about wiped me out.
I love to write, but my job and kids keep me so busy... and then sometimes I just need to withdraw into my own head for a while.
Which is all to say, I'd be a hard core blogger "if...." but I'm just not, at all....
I think I am inbetween somewhere. Not quite hardcore, but still fairly regularly and frequently. WOW that comes across as if I were talking about BM's.
Anyhoo...... good post! Can't wait to hear about the Arby's bell
My husband refers to my blogging acquaintances (and followers) as my "imaginary friends". It's nice to know a select few of them in real life!
So, it looks like I have entered the hard-core zone. Is there a 12 step program for that?
haha too true. I think i may be slipping out of the hardcore...
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