I was secretly happy when I saw this because I had previously told her that if she got chickens, I was going to get a motor scooter. (I knew a motorcycle was out of the question). The chicks quickly grew and we converted a large shed into a nice coop for them. I prefer to call it their suite since I still do not see myself as a chicken coupe guy. No offense intended to anyone who may have grown up on a farm. I'm still just trying to adjust.
Just last week they finally matured to the point where they are laying eggs. The best part of the story is that I now have a 1999 Honda Elite Scooter. That's right, I have 80 cc of raw power at my finger tips. I can accelerate from 0 to 30 m.p.h. in 16 seconds. I now know what it's like to live life on the road on the wild side. Sometimes I feel like I am riding the vehicle above, but in reality it's the one below. I feel a little cooler now that I took the tassels and ringer off of it.

What a great marriage you have there!
This made me laugh out loud! Or as the kids say it LOL. Good luck with all the crowing once you get a rooster. Too funny.
Don't worry about any roosters. The day one shows up I am getting a bullet bike!
It's all about compromises! ;)
I just heard an interesting talk on NPR about the backyard poultry movement. Completely serious, Chaka.
And that is one hot scooter!
Very funny! I'm sharing this post with my husband.
I want goats
I always say if a couple can survive the chicken/scooter years then they can survive everything.
I Want chickens too!! Did you get a new biker jacket to ride around on your scooter in style? Time to start growing a handlebar mustache, if you ask me.
hahaha you totally got the better end of that deal! :D
You brought back memories of my Donny and Marie years.
and all this time I thought it was motorcycles that get "chicks"...my mistake.
What would you get if your wife got a goat? How about a pig? A couple sheep?
Motor Scooters- Hey, its kind of any joke? Its really very funny, I would like to share this post with my friends. LOL :)
Sounds very funny. This post is good for fun, I would like to share it with my friends.
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