I feel a little uncomfortable addressing this subject since personal hygiene can be a touchy issue and to be frank, what we are really talking about here is snot. I have decided that since it is runny nose season I will go ahead with this post.
I have always felt awkward and uncomfortable when it comes to blowing my nose. When I need to blow my nose, I will go in a bathroom or do so behind closed doors. I don't like it and I really feel weird doing it in front of others. I was recently relieved when my sister in law expressed similar feelings about this subject. It's good to know I'm not alone while dealing with this difficult issue.
Aside from the potential social stigma, I also hate the sensation of blowing my eardrums out. I have to admit I'm just not a very good nose blower. I know that nose blowing has it's place. People who sniffle all day and make nasty mucus related noises can be more offensive that the noisiest nose blowers. I think it is ironic that I'm so sensitive to this subject since I not only enjoy, but endorse loud vigorous sneezing.
Some people are unabashed nose blowers and have no problem doing so in a social setting, even while they are addressing a large group of people. I think it is an age thing. Usually the older generation is guilty of this. Many of these people are also the ones who carry cloth handkerchiefs in their pocket. I appreciate the concept of being prepared, but in a day and age of everyone being hand sanitizer freaks, and coughing into their shoulder, I think it is time for the cloth handkerchief to go the way of the dinosaurs.
Ladies, if you were at a funeral or some other emotional event and an old guy pulled out his personal hankie to let you wipe your tears would you use it? You may end up with booger mascara if you did. Sorry for being so gross. I'll have better topics in the future.
Seems like Europeans are bad about this. They don't hold back at the breakfast table (gross).
I am with you. I don't like to blow in front of people.
In other news, I did buy a neti pot for my sinuses. It's, uh, interesting.
Of course I would gladly accept such an offer (so long as the hankie in question came from the breast pocket of the gentleman's jacket)! A gentleman would never offer a lady a *used* hankie! According to Miss Manners, only clean hankies go in the breast pocket of the jacket, to be offered to weeping ladies at funerals and so forth. Used hankies go in the trousers pocket and are not seen again unless the gentleman himself needs it for more... uh, mundane... purposes.
I hate blowing my nose in public, too. I even hate doing it in the public bathroom if other people are in there. But I do it anyway because it beats the alternative of having gross goo running down my face...
I also have a somewhat nose blowing anxiety. I will not blow nor pick my nose in front of anyone. If the nose blowing is an urgent moment, say perhaps that nasty cold that throws snot out your nose without warning, I'm home anyway, and the if the fam is present that's the only time. Otherwise, I will go the bathroom.
I'm with you. Nose blowing in public is kinda of intimidating. However, there are certain times when it simply must be done.
As for those notorious loud, public nose blowers, does anyone else think there is a link to loud nose blowers (you know - the ones that make a horn sound with their nostrils) and public farters? I'm just sayin'!
Blow behind closed doors if you please!
I am a private kinda gal..Like Kristina P., I have a neti pot...you definitely have to do that in private! My husband is a horribly rude nose blower...it sounds like a flock of geese flying over! UGH!
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